Quick Tools Update

Hi all,

Just a quick update to let you all know that it is likely that the Audio Manager release will be delayed a tad. Currently its got a few major development hoops to get through and Iโ€™ve not had a massive amount of free time to work on the asset. I will try to avoid any massive delay, but I cannot grantee that it will be ready by the end of August at this time. At-least, not without cutting major features that were in the old 2.x version. Iโ€™ll update you all on any updates to a release window as and when, but its now likely to be in September instead of August.

Today Iโ€™ve been back-porting a fix to the asset indexing system, used in Save Manager & Build Versions currently. There was a bug with its initialization causing overriding assets to be generated when you already had them in the project. So youโ€™d lose settings & data. This should now be resolved in 2.0.9 & 1.1.6 respectively which are both out on Git & Itch with the asset store early next week.


Save Manager (2.0.9)

Github: https://github.com/CarterGames/SaveManager/releases/tag/2.0.9

Itchio: https://carter-games.itch.io/unity-asset-save-manager

Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/save-manager-cg-176437

Build Versions (1.1.6)

Github: https://github.com/CarterGames/BuildVersions/releases/tag/1.1.6

Itchio: https://carter-games.itch.io/build-versions

Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/version-control/build-versions-cg-205184

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