A new feature update has been added to the Save Manager. This is what was missed from the 2.2.0 release more or less as I didn’t have a good way to sort it. Though I recently had a little breakthrough on the issues I was having with it so here it is.


A look at the updated save editor with the new defaults button on the example save object instance.

Save defaults

A new feature for this update that lets you edit the default values properly. Before you’d have to make sure you assigned them in the constructor to edit and define them. Then they would only apply if you coded your logic to reset the save.

Now this is implemented in a much simpler way. The editor will now auto-apply any default values to the save object instances when you make a build of your game. It will then restore the editor state back to how it was before the build on the build completion. You can also access a new editor utility window on each save object in the save editor to edit the default values in a familiar editor setup.

The example save object defaults window.

You can also see the default values of any save object on the inspector for that save object instance. Just like you could before the current values.

Editor Save

In addition to defaults, a much-needed QOL update in the form of a separate editor save has been added. Now when working in the editor, your save data will go into a separate save file from your built game. The new editor save is located in the same root directory as your built save. But inside of a new folder called EditorSave.

Misc Changes

  • Removed some legacy API and systems that are now irrelevant or old enough to not be a concern anymore.

Get the update

Website Page: https://carter.games/savemanager/

Asset Store (Pending review as of writing): https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/save-manager-cg-176437

Itch.io: https://carter-games.itch.io/unity-asset-save-manager

Github: https://github.com/CarterGames/SaveManager/releases/tag/2.3.0

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