The game is still in its early stages at the moment. Here you can see an early iteration of the tiles system. A system likely to be in the final game in one shape or form. Along with a few tree assets that are placeholder until I finalize how I want the game to look.

Along with this system I’ve been working on a lot of backend updates to support a game release. The Cart library update 0.9.0 adds improvement to Notion database handling, Localization and a load more helper classes. The 0.9.0 update is in pre-release show you want to try it out.

I also updated the icon for the game from a basic screenshot to something a little better. See the difference below:



I do have a decent vision of where the game will be going and hope to make decent progress on the game in 2025. Until then I’m doing some general admin and prep as well as Audio Manager 3.1.0 which I do need to make and ship at some point.

That’s all for now, more updates to follow.

~ J,

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