A large update to The Cart is now out for use. Containing new modules, general improvements and a lot of little fixes.
This will likely be the last major update in a little while as I focus on Project: Sakura & Project: Yukute throughout 2025. There will propably be some fixes and improvements from those projects that are added to the library. So some bug fix updates can be expected. I’ll also try to get around to documenting most of the modules and any core systems that kinda need a page to explain their use.
How to update
It is recommended to perform a clean install if not using git url setup to pull to the repository. A lot of backend bits have been adjusted and there may be issues if old scripts remain from the 0.9.x version.
New Modules
Pre-define bool checks based on the active runtime state. Add as many criteria as needed to each check and check these conditions in code to save long if statements for common checks like tutorial completed etc. All stored in scriptable objects in the project.

Color Folders
Decorate the folders in your project with colors. Apply colors to any folder you want in the editor.

Dev Environments
A system to pre-define project states, so some logic can run only on development builds without needing to tick the Unity developlement build option in the build settings.

- Extensions
- Dictionary
- Added random key extension method.
- Object
- Added check for if an object reference is missing or actually null.
- Dictionary
- Helpers
- Texture
- Added method to make a solid color texture of any size.
- Texture
- Pre-Req
- A helper class to stop logic from running if checks are false, useful for null checking components before use.
- Logging in modules all now use the module log category class.
- New standardized attribute drawers for:
- Localization ids
- Localization Languages
- Currency account ids
- With support for more easily.

- Updated script GUID’s to avoid clashes with other Carter Games assets.
- Scene loader tool updated to allow dev environments to co-exist with the scene hop button.
- Scriptable Ref updated to check for exact names of assets.
- Improved CSC file management API.
- Search providers now expand width to fit text elements to an extent.
- Started major cleanup of code base commenting, more of this to come in future updates.
- Improved folder structure in places to make it easier to follow.
- Started documenting modules, more of this to come in future updates.
- Module management
- Now supports multi-select so you can enable/disable multiple modules at once for ease of use.
- Panels Module
- No longer requires easing module to function. Easing is now optional as it is only used for the easing panel transition.
- Notion Data Module
- Updated to have feature parity with the standalone 0.4.1 version.
- Mockups Module
- Temporarily removed, want to improve it a bit more before I re-release it.
- Runtime Timers Module
- Improved API for timers
- New tick event when ticking
- Recycling of timers better supported
- Improved registration so and active timer correctly registers as active in the system.
- Improved API for timers
- Extensions
- Enum Flags
- Fixed flags count returning incorrect results.
- Enum Flags
- Localization Module
- Fixed an issue where the current language was stored in a data asset and not a save location.
- Updated language options to use a standardized format.
- Hierarchy Decorators Module
- Fixed minor GUI issues with the full with option being ticked when nested under at-least 1 parent not fully taking the space.
- Fixed an issue where new hierarchy elements were not attaching to selected parents when created.
- Clamped Values Module
- Replaced with looping values module, clamped elements were deemed not needed as normal math libraries can handle that just fine.
- Fixed looping values not correctly looping around themselves.
- Building Issues
- Fixed library causing issues with making builds due to editor code not correctly encapsulated.