A bug fixing update to fix some issues around the filtering of data when downloading it along with for minor GUI changes.
How to update
This update should be fine to import directly over the old installation. A clean install, where you remove the old setup and import the new, is advised if you have any issues.
- Fixed filtering issue when empty or not empty was used as a comparison type.
- Fixed a soft lock where adding a group filter type would just break things (option removed as you don’t need it).
- Updated GUI for empty or not empty to hide the params field as it is not used.
- Added extra validation on filters being applied to the download process.
- Minor GUI update to Notion Data Assets to disable the GUI around the script field as you’d normally see in inspectors.
Get the update
Website Page: https://carter.games/notion-database-to-unity-so-standalone/
Itch.io: https://carter-games.itch.io/notion-to-unity
Github: https://github.com/CarterGames/NotionToUnity/releases/0.4.1