Package Contents


Below is a rundown of what is in the package and the folder/file structure for reference. The asset doesn’t have any scripts that can be safely removed if it is the function properly, so please make sure you have imported the whole package before using the asset. If you have an older version of the asset, it may be necessary to remove the old version entirely & to import the latest version.

Carter Games/Multi Scene/Documentation

Carter Games/Multi Scene/Editor


/Custom Editors


  • SceneGroupEditor.cs
  • SettingsAssetEditor.cs

/Property Drawers

  • DefaultGroupCategoryDrawer.cs
  • GroupCategoryDrawer.cs


/Editor Events

/Editor Windows



Carter Games/Multi Scene/Runtime



/Built-In Extensions

/Do Not Destroy

  • DoNotDestroyAccessor.cs




/Popup Dialogues


/Scene Groups

/Scene Loader

Carter Games/Multi Scene/Extensions

URP Extension

An extension to the asset that helps with camera stacking in URP between scenes. Its not a perfect solution but it does work. The solution will be updated in a future release. This isn’t enabled by default as it required the URP package to function.

