Here is the first monthly update for 2022. This will be a monthly update news post going over the main highlights of what I have been working on in the past month.
Website Updates
Recently Iโve updated the website with a new section for packages, these are smaller assets/tools that are not on the unity asset store. These are normally experimental or niece systems that are not 100% complete yet but are public if anyone wants to use them.
Iโve also added a section in our products on the home page for Project Tilly, which has been the main focus for the month.
Project Tilly
Project Tilly is our first major game project prototype. The game follows a week in the life of Isabelle, a student living alone in a small studio flat. Experience her struggle as she tries to go from day to day, suffering from several mental health issues such as anxiety, loneliness & depression. The project is planned for a end of Q2 demo build, where I will gauge if the project is going to go anywhere & either move on to another project or continue with it to the next build.
Current progress is good, though a little messy. I the next moth I will be focusing on this project more and trying to get a playable build ready with some minor story elements & main mechanics in.
You can see our weekly updates either on the upcoming channel in our discord server (hidden under the games role), or here:
Audio Manager
Iโve made a minor patch to the Audio Manager, which updates the debug logโs to provide more information about the problems they report. As of writing it is still pending and will be a silent update, so we will post when the update is live to ley you know as and when this happens.
Discord Server Changes
At the end of year year, I made some changes to the discord server. These changes mean new members to the server donโt see the whole server and need to react with an emoji in the server info rules channel to gain access to other parts of the server. I made this change partly to help the new user experience and partly to reduce the amount of incorrect channel usage. So far this has worked well, with roles for asset support, games & community along with an option notification role that gets mentioned with all announcement posts.
That’s all for this post, weโll be back in the first week of March with the February update!