After taking time off from Project Tilly, I’ve decided to instead focus on a game which is a little bit more achievable with my current skill set to get another release under my belt. So here goes…

ICYMI: I go over what’s happened to Project Tilly here:ย

With this remake I’m focusing more on the progress updates, builds & devlog.

This game will have a video devlog series to go along with it where I talk about progress made on the project, future plans & discuss feedback and suggestions from the community. The full playlist can be viewed here:

Currently there is just the announcement video going over the plans for the project and summarising the original jam version of the game for those who didn’t play it. There will be videos every 3-4 weeks or whenever a decent chunk of work has been achieved. Which ever comes first!

A little sneak peak of the upcoming progress can also be seen on my twitter post below:

I’ll be updating this page with the latest art & visuals when I have them along with the development builds & devlogs as and when they go live.

Speak to y’all soon